Why Project Management?
U sadašnjoj sve većoj dinamici poslovanja, koju prate nastojanja za postizanjem veće konkurentnosti, rastu potrebe za uspješnim izvođenjem projekata. To vrijedi za sve organizacije koje svoju strategiju i druge poslovne i razvojne planove izvode projektima rasta i razvoja. Projekti rasta odnose se na projekte uvođenja novih proizvoda i tehnologija, znanstvenoistraživačke projekte, projekte osvajanja tržišta i druge investicijske projekte, a projekti razvoja na projekte razvoja kadrova, informatizacije poslovanja, organizacije, projekte poslovnih integracija itd.
In order to have good quality project preparation and implementation, it is necessary to have project organisation which will be efficient in each phase, from the strategic project preparation to its delivery. Project management, which can be organised in many different ways depending on the business’s organisation and type of project, requires organisational solutions for successful project management and qualified project managers.
Za sve dodatne informacije o studiju obratite se s povjerenjem voditelju studija Projektni menadžment dr. sc. Zlatko Barilović, prof. struč. stud. na e-adresu zbarilovic@bak.hr.
About the programme
Studenti stručnog diplomskog studija Projektni menadžment osposobljavaju se za:
- Project start-upproject start upand leading projects in project-oriented companies, from the preparation, through implementation, to the warranty phase
- and management which facilitate organisation’s operational and development projects;
- Participate in preparing and leading complex projects in all kinds of profit and non-profit sector organisations
- Preparing and leading projects of using external funds, especially EU funds
- organiziranje cjelovitog projektnog rada u organizacijama u kojima će kao stručnjaci djelovati.
The special feature of this study is its interdisciplinarity and the fact that the students have different educational backgrounds: from economy, law, civil engineering, etc.
Locations: Zaprešić and OsijekOsijek (klasično)
Kratki info o studiju: https://youtu.be/K2OLGl_vg34?si=OEBdzmKmXRay01FT
International certificates and cooperation
The study Project Management is the first registered programme for education of project managers in accordance with the IPMA regulations in the Republic of Croatia and the broader regionIPMAThe registaration has been achieved through the International Project Management Association Registration (IPMA REG)The IPMA REG registration code is printed on the diploma supplements of the specialist graduate professional study Project Management.
The study Professional Management cooperates with the Croatian Association for Project Management (CAPM), which enables students to gain internationally approved project management certificates in accordance with IPMA four level certification. More than 200 students have taken this opportunity, and together with their professors they participate in numerous activities and projects with Young Crewu Croatia, gathering young project managers from Croatia.
Furthermore, the study Project Management cooperates with Project Management Institute Croatia PMI Croatia, where students have can participate in concrete projects and keep up with the latest trends in project management.
Thanks to the study Project Management, the University has become a member of ORACLE Academy Member Institution.Because of it, our students can use modern ICT tools for project management, such as ORACLE Primavera P6 Professional Project Management and ORACLE Primavera Risk Analysis.
The study programme has also signed a cooperation agreement with PM² AlliancePM² Alliance is an international non-profit organisation that brings together individuals from international institutions, companies and academic community in order to foster dialogue, sharing resources and tackling challenges, at the same time promoting the adoption of the PM² standard methodology for managing projects of the European Commission.
Projekt SING za studente Projektnog menadžmenta u suradnji s Gradom Zaprešićem
Projekt “Sinergija znanja Grada Zaprešića i Veleučilišta Baltazar Zaprešić” (SING) pokrenut je potpisivanjem Sporazuma o suradnji između Grada Zaprešića i Veleučilišta Baltazar Zaprešić. Grad je prepoznao potencijal Veleučilišta, na kojemu studenti stječu znanja s područja projektnog menadžmenta, te je studentima Projektnog menadžmenta u sklopu studijskog programa ponudio razradu ideja koje razmatra kao potencijalne razvojne projekte grada Zaprešića. Razradom konkretnih projekata studenti stječu dodatna praktična znanja te reguliraju stručnu praksu, a Grad dobiva projektnu dokumentaciju na temelju koje kasnije može krenuti i u realizaciju predloženih projekata, s ciljem daljnjeg rasta i razvoja Zaprešića.
Kroz projekt SING studenti primjenjuju znanja, vještine i sposobnosti koje su potrebne svakom modernom voditelju projekata. Od studenata se očekuje istraživački rad te procjena izvedivosti projekta i mogućnost njegove praktične primjene. Sve prethodno navedeno itekako je bitno za njihov profesionalni razvoj u struci projektnog menadžmenta. Projekt SING svakako je dokaz kako je studijkreiran tako da pruža studentima priliku primijeniti teorijska znanja u stvarnom okruženju, potičući kreativnost, timski rad i praktične vještine koje su ključne za uspješno vođenje projekata u njihovim budućim profesionalnim karijerama.